Category Archives: Current Events

I just wrote a letter to Michael Moore for some reason.


Dear Michael, I am upset to hear that you are calling the rape allegations against Julian Assange hooey. While it may be that governments are taking advantage of the claims to discredit him, it is unfair to the women involved in the case to write them off completely, assume that they are lying, or state […]


Readily Available


Me: In June 1915, Walter Kirke, deputy head of military intelligence at GHQ France, wrote in his diary that Mansfield Cumming, the first chief (or C) of the SIS was “making enquiries for invisible inks at the London University.” Me: what do you think Cumming was considering as an invisible ink Me: hint: it is […]


Sexual Assault and Human Rights Violations at the G20


This past weekend was a disaster. Numerous reports from many different sources (both mainstream and alternative media) suggest the following: Violent protesters were allowed to protest violently, destroying police cars and setting them on fire, and vandalizing storefronts. Many believe that this violence was allowed to go on to justify the massive G20 security expenditures. […]


Why we should give Glenn Beck a break


I was listening to some classic anti-Canadian vitriol from Glenn Beck today, and I had to turn it off because it made me so frustrated with the way he seems to so perfectly manipulate his listeners/viewers, and how this tirade must have brought a few more folks into his canuck-hating flock. But after thinking about […]


The new Canadian Citizenship Guide: Gender Equality Fail


The Globe and Mail had a piece on the new Canadian Citizenship Guide, including a quote by Historian Margaret Conrad, who had this to say a-boot it: “It’s kind of like a throwback to the 1950s. It’s a tough, manly country with military and sports heroes that are all men.” I thought to myself, that […]


And the winner is…




Israel’s Ethnic Weapon?


Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London’s Sunday Times. The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus. k seriously, this […]
