Category Archives: Sci Fi



So today I want to talk about TRON: Legacy, but I am finding it difficult to find the words to explain why I love it so much. So I made a list instead, and I hope that at least one thing on the list will make you want to watch it and enjoy it as […]


It starts with a Dalek and goes from there


This is the greatest thing that has ever happened, in the history of the world, anywhere, ever. Also, that’s an extremely deep V that he’s wearing.


The 1962 Atlantis World Fair


Atlantis has beaten R’lyeh in a bid for the 1962 World Fair. It’s a shame, but the resulting website is a monkey’s dream. Go there and enjoy. Who said we need flash for complex interaction design? Adobe, that’s who. BTW, side note: I want to include the following quote about R’lyeh, because it is the […]


Eve Muses While Writing Essays


Here’s an idea: thought’s main purpose is to make sense of our environment in order to survive in it and make more humans, right? Which is why there’s no real thought inside the womb; it isn’t needed to avert death. You’ve got everything you need: umbilical sustenance, amniotic protection, big-screen TV. So this would logically […]


How cool a name is Quaoar?


I think Quaoar might replace Extopalopaketl as the name I’m going to give to my first-born. Wouldn’t you love to be named after a planetoid? No? Well, it’s better than Dweezil. A new planetoid has been found that’s even further than Quaoar. To paraphrase the report: A frigid, planet-like body about three-quarters the size of […]
