In Point Form


LabbitLabbits are cute.

I want to see the new Casino Royale movie, even thought it’s distinctly lacking in Woody Allen. At least it’s also missing the cheesy one-liner screen writing that has been plaguing the 007 franchise for the past few movies.

Borat replies to the president of Kazakhstan’s desire to sue Sacha Baron Cohen, Borat’s alter ego: “[I] fully support my government’s decision to sue this Jew. Since the 2003 Tulyakov reforms, Kazakhstan is as civilized as any other country in the world. Women can now travel on inside of bus. Homosexuals no longer have to wear blue hats. And age of consent has been raised to 8 years old.” (Here’s the Official Borat Homesite.)

Here’s some fun music.

Jen Lewin makes laser harps.

BlogACatMas is this Friday.


Here’s your chance to decide my life for me!


As you might know, before I got into Cognitive Science I was an Astrophysics major. When I left, I had nearly enough credits to get away with a minor in physics, so I decided to take two last courses and get the minor.

I’m taking my last physics course in the last semester: PHYS 239, electromagnetism. Today, I finally verified that because COGS is a specialization instead of a major, I can’t officially get the minor, so I’m reconsidering taking this course. Here are the pros and cons of taking the course:


  1. I can tell future employers that I technically have a minor in physics, even if it wasn’t awarded.
  2. I can feel like my time spent in the physics department wasn’t entirely wasted.
  3. If I don’t take the course, it’s like I abandoned physics.


  1. It’ll mean time taken away from my thesis
  2. I have to pay $500 for it
  3. I essentially have the minor anyway, I’m just half a course short and that looks just as good for an NSERC grant or whatever
  4. It’s just a minor
  5. Cutting your losses is something I’m not good at, so I’ll feel like I’ve made some sort of breakthrough.

So now it’s up to you: do I take the course?


Cute Lil’ Airplane watch



Goggles is totally the cutest flight sim ever. It uses the Google Maps API. ‘Nuff said!


If only it weren’t a Fatboy Slim video.


KITTENS! Kittens in HATS! Kittens driving CARS! DRUNK! Kittens at clubs! DJ Kittens!

Also, there are some ducks.


Israel’s Ethnic Weapon?


Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London’s Sunday Times.

The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus.

k seriously, this sounds a lot like some genocide perpetrated against them 60 years ago. Do we really need to repeat all this?


I Cheetah all the time


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Cheetah Babies: perhaps not as fast as Ben Johnson (yet), but like 10,000,000,000,000 times cuter.


Cute Fings Friday #5: Cockney Rabbits


In honour of of the East End of London I bring you Cute Fings Friday, because I didn’t have time to do it yesterday.


My boss found my blog a little while ago, and the first thing he mentioned was that he didn’t realize how much I liked bunnies. But they’re so cute! How can you NOT like bunnies?

This week’s feature bunny is the Mini Lionhead. Here’s a cute set of bunnies (for sale!) that include a few lionheads. Then there’s three more cute pictures: 1, 2, and 3.

And here’s a great rundown of the top bunny photos on Cute Overload.
